Whether you are joining us for a fun day by the pool or a serious lap swim workout, our pools in Boulder, Lafayette, Longmont, Johnstown and Cheyenne will serve as your year-round aquatic headquarters.
Pool Rules
- Obey the lifeguard at all times.
- Non-swimmers, regardless of age, should not go deeper than waist-high water.
- Please shower before entering the pool.
- Only Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices allowed.
- Walk while on the pool deck.
- No alcohol, tobacco, food, gum or glass allowed in the pool area.
- Diving is permitted only in water 9 feet or deeper. No flips or jumping in backward.
- Children who require assistance or a flotation device must have an adult with them in the water.
- Y equipment is reserved for Y programs only.
- Swimsuits must be worn at all times.
- Members and guests of all ages must change clothes in designated locker rooms.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear aswim diaper.
- An adult may supervise no more than two red band children at a time.
- Vulgar or offensive language will not be tolerated.
- The Y is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of personal items.
- Ages 5 and younger must be accompanied in the water by an adult within arm’s length.
- Ages 11 years andyounger must pass a swim test to go into deep water; however, swimmers of any age may be asked to takea swim test.
- No extended breath holding.
- Ages 11 and younger must be supervised by an adult.
Slide Rules
Lafayette and Johnstown Ys
- One patron may use a slide at a time.
- All patrons must wait until the Lifeguard permits them forward.
- Children under 12 must have a yellow band for shallow end slides and a green band for deep end slide (Lafayette Y).
Proper slide position is as follows:
- Feet first.
- Laying on your back.
- Arms at your side or crossed against your chest.
- Wait for clearance from the Lifeguard to enter the slide.
Diving Board Rules
Lafayette and Johnstown Ys
- One patron may use a diving board at a time.
- All patrons must wait at the bottom of the stairs until the last diver exits the dive well.
- Divers must walk up the ladder and jump off the board. No walking back and forth or unsafe hesitation.
- Only one bounce allowed on the board.
- Any flips, dives or jumps must be forward facing and out away from the diving board. No jumps or dives angled towards the side or other board.
- Children under 12 must have a green band.
Sauna and Steam Room Rules
Sauna at Boulder, Longmont, Johnstown and Cheyenne Ys. Steam Room at Johnstown and Cheyenne Ys.
- Limit use to no more than 10 minutes. Over exposure can cause fainting.
- Swimsuit or gym apparel is required. Flip-flops or aquatic shoes are allowed.
- Please take a shower before entering the pool after using sauna or steam room.
- Consult a physician before use if you are pregnant, in poor health or under medical care.
- Newspapers, magazines, jewelry, electronics and scented oils/perfumes are not allowed.
- Do not place items of any kind on the heating element.
- Ages 15 and younger are not allowed in sauna or steam room.
- Note that the Cheyenne Y steam room is in the Adult Men's Locker Room.
Hot Tub Rules
Johnstown and Cheyenne Ys
- Limit use to no more than 10 minutes. Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.
- Remove swim caps to prevent overheating.
- No jumping, splashing or loud noises.
- Do not submerge.
- No more than 6 people in hot tub.
- Hot tub use increases pulse and body temperature and can cause changes in blood pressure.
- Using the hot tub after an intense workout is not recommended.
- Exit immediately if you become dizzy, uncomfortable or sleepy.
- Consult a physician before use if you are pregnant, in poor health or under medical care.
- Ages 15 and younger are not allowed in the hot tub; ages 16 and 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
- No camera or cell phone use while in the hot tub.
- Swimsuits must be worn, including bottoms for men's and tops and bottoms or one-piece suits for women.
Wading Pool Rules
Lafayette and Longmont Ys
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper.
- Swimsuits must be worn at all times.
- Children may play with toys in the pool, but floats are not allowed.
- Children in wading pool must have a supervisor (age 16+) at all times.
- Members and guests of all ages must change clothes in the locker rooms.
- No more than 13 people in the wading pool at a time.
- The wading pool is for children ages 7 and younger.

Lap Lane Etiquette
If the lanes are full, you may split or circle the lane. Observe each lane to get a sense of which one best matches your pace. Wait for the other swimmer(s) to finish their set, and then let them know you’ll be joining them. Decide together how you’re going to share the lane.
Splitting the Lane (for 2 swimmers): One of you swims on one side of the lane and one of you swims on the other. If you're splitting the lane, you stay in your half no matter what.
Circle Swim (for 2 or more swimmers): Much like traffic on a road, always swim on the right side of the lane. This means swimming on one side of the lane going down and the other side of the lane coming back. Swimmers move in a counterclockwise circle.
Pool Closures
YMCA staff may close the pool at any time for safety reasons, including but not limited to:
- Chemical imbalance
- Mechanical issue
- Water clarity
- Pool contamination
- Natural dangers (lightning or thunder within 10 miles will constitute immediate closure for no less than 30 minutes from the last lightning strike or sound of thunder)
The YMCA reserves the right to alter this list or limit activities to protect members and guests. For your safety and the safety of others, please obey all verbal instructions from YMCA staff.
Guest fees will not be refunded due to weather-related closures.
Swim Test Policy and Rules
Anyone under the age of 12 is required to perform a safety swim test in front of one of our certified Lifeguards. This policy is aimed at identifying the swimming capability of our younger patrons to ensure their safety as well as the safety of other members. Each test level is pass/fail and may be retaken one more time per day. After passing the test, the swimmer’s full name and most recent level will be kept in our log book for one year.
Red Band
The swimmer refused to take the test or did not pass the test. This is a non-swimmer and must have a parent in the water within arms’ reach even if they are wearing a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device. No more than two children per adult.
Yellow Band
The swimmer must jump into deep water, tread water for 30 seconds, float on his or her back 30 seconds and then swim forward across half the length of the pool continuously. The swimmer may use any stroke or method that provides continuous forward movement without touching the bottom of the pool. If they swim underwater they must break the surface regularly to breathe. The swimmer does not have to use any specific breathing pattern or technique.
Access to shallow end slides at the Lafayette Y if height requirement is met (see slide rules) and access to shallow end at the Boulder and Longmont Ys.
Green Band
The swimmer must jump into deep water, tread water for 30 seconds, float on his or her back 30 seconds and then swim forward the length of the pool without touching the bottom of the pool. The swimmer may use any stroke or method that provides continuous forward movement without touching the bottom of the pool. If they swim underwater they must break the surface regularly to breathe. The swimmer does not have to use any specific breathing pattern or technique.
Swimmers with green bands are granted access to the diving boards and slides at the Lafayette Y and to the full pool at the Longmont and Boulder Ys.
The determination of swimming capabilities and band color of all swimmers is at the discretion of the Lifeguards or the supervisor on duty. At any time, a Lifeguard or supervisor may retest or revoke the permissions of any swimmer for safety concerns or policy violation.
Aquatics: Lafayette Y
303-443-4474 ext. 3500
Email Lafayette Aquatics
Aquatics: Cheyenne Y
307-634-9622 ext. 14
Email Cheyenne Aquatics
Aquatics: Longmont Y
303-443-4474 ext. 5502
Email Longmont Aquatics
Aquatics: Boulder Y
303-443-4474 ext. 2501
Email Boulder Aquatics
Aquatics: Johnstown Y
720-797-2020 ext. 7500
Email Johnstown Aquatics